[xubuntu-users] Are *Ubuntu Based Distro's Dying?

J. Paul Bissonnette jpaulbiss at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 01:28:08 UTC 2015

I don't know why anyone would get too upset if Ubuntu went the way of
DOS or CPM. 

There is always some thing to fill the vacuum. The first
line of code that I wrote was on a Telex that had a speed of 50 baud.
This was an IBM main frame which was as big as a truck and had
the computing power of a cheap tablet. It was running a new OS from
Bell Labs called Unix.

Years later my brother showed me his new computer about the size of a
large laptop from Sinclair it had a whole 1KB memory and a new OS

Years later I worked in an engineering office that had a fridge size HP
running Unix. That was replaced by a stove size box running Muenex a
branch from Unix.

About that time I bought a Sinclair QL with a Motorola 6800 running
QDOS that actually could multitask. The IBM my wife had with the Intel
running DOS could not.

I had an ACORN running RISCOS that would blow the doors off of any
windoze machine

I started Linux with SUSE release 2.1 and stayed with them until they
went public and were sold out by a money grubber.

I have a set of Debian 3 or so floppies.

I am running Xubuntu on one box and Mint on another

I personally do not care what the OS is as ling as I can migrate my
data from one to the other

On Mon, 06 Jul 2015 20:19:28 -0400
JMZ <florentior at gmail.com> wrote:

> Will apt-get and dpkg continue as legacy package systems, or will I
> have to totally reconfigure my computer for a new system?  Talk about
> a PITA.  Can't wait /sarcasm
> If ubuntu phases out the old package systems, I'm going to debian.
> Jordan
> On 07/06/2015 07:15 PM, Eric Christopherson wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 06, 2015, Steve Litt wrote:
> >> Another legitimate question is whether Debian will die. The recent
> >> systemd kerfuffel caused a loss of a lot of their community's
> >> members with tech chops, and some of their developers. I don't see
> >> Debian dying in the near future, but it would be interesting to
> >> see what Canonical would do if there were no more Debian. I'm
> >> pretty sure Canonical has plenty of tech muscle to go it alone.
> > I'm not sure that will be an issue in a few years -- Ubuntu is
> > rolling their own package system called Snappy now:
> > https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/#tour
> >

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