[xubuntu-users] Are *Ubuntu Based Distro's Dying?

JMZ florentior at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 00:19:28 UTC 2015

Will apt-get and dpkg continue as legacy package systems, or will I have 
to totally reconfigure my computer for a new system?  Talk about a 
PITA.  Can't wait /sarcasm

If ubuntu phases out the old package systems, I'm going to debian.


On 07/06/2015 07:15 PM, Eric Christopherson wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 06, 2015, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Another legitimate question is whether Debian will die. The recent
>> systemd kerfuffel caused a loss of a lot of their community's members
>> with tech chops, and some of their developers. I don't see Debian dying
>> in the near future, but it would be interesting to see what Canonical
>> would do if there were no more Debian. I'm pretty sure Canonical has
>> plenty of tech muscle to go it alone.
> I'm not sure that will be an issue in a few years -- Ubuntu is rolling
> their own package system called Snappy now: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/#tour

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