[xubuntu-users] Chrome UI buggy after changing workspace

Alexandre Dubé adube at mapgears.com
Mon Jan 26 14:46:58 UTC 2015

For the record: I tried installing google-chrome-unstable (version 41) 
and it had the same issue.  Then I tried with chromium-browser (version 
39) and it doesn't show the issue.  So, I'm comfortable in switching to 
chromium because it's basically the same thing as chrome, but I'd still 
like to hear solutions, if any.

Thanks a lot,


On 15-01-26 09:22 AM, Alexandre Dubé wrote:
> Hi list,
>   I have a pretty awkward situation here that I could find anything 
> about on the web.  I'm using Xubuntu 14.04 and I have Google Chrome 40 
> installed.
>   When I open Chrome, everything is fine.  If I change the current 
> workspace to an other one then come back to the one with Chrome 
> opened, the window containing Chrome is missing lots of components. I 
> have to mouse hover it to get its parts back.  I didn't have this 
> issue last week.
>   See the attached images.
>   Any hint how I could fix this issue ?
> Thanks a lot,

Alexandre Dubé
T: +1 418-696-5056 #203

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