[xubuntu-users] Vivid Vervet Release Candidate

Elfy ub.untu at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 15 17:43:49 UTC 2015

At some point on Friday 17th April this week, the Release Candidate for 
the release of 15.04 next week should show up on the image tracker [1]

We would love to see the tracker full of reports from you. If there are 
insufficient tests reported we are not necessarily going to be in a 
position to mark the tests as ready, if that happens - we won't be 
releasing Xubuntu on the 23rd April.

Testing an image is generally pretty straightforward [2]

I'd urge people with the spare time, capacity to run an install test on 
hardware, or in a virtual machine to please do so.

I'd also like to remind people that we might even send you an Xubuntu 
sticker pack. [3]

Please remember to check back on the tracker between the 17th and the 
23rd, rebuilds happen fairly often, even this late in the cycle.

Thanks for all that you do, let's do more in the last stretch.



[1] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough

Xubuntu QA Lead

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