[xubuntu-users] [Bulk] Re: [14.04 64Bit]-"gmusicbrowser":Toggle Pause With One Keyboard Key?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Fri Oct 24 23:15:27 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-10-24 at 19:00 -0400, GothSpark Imvu wrote:
> It depend does your kayboard have media keys ? or prehaps in the app
> use the spacebar ? or c or bind a key in the settings I think it is
> under hotkeys and correct me if I am wrong but you can use some
> combinaison of CTRL ALT and SUPER else you can do that in the keyboard
> setting (from the keyboard setting in xubuntu) for this you will have
> to read the docs about the commands that gmusicbrowser support because
> those actualy lunch commands, but please map those to ones that you
> will use for some that are not used for in-apps shortcuts that you may
> use else you will get trouble. (double going on while you work)

A little bit OT, but indeed, it's important to keep this in mind,
another issue is that Linux tends to fail for some short cuts, e.g. if
you set up that the Windows or Alt key should do something, than it
could be an issue for combinations of those keys + at least one other
key.  However, IIUC the OP has set up a key for pause and if the OP
pushes that key the playing is paused, but by pushing it again, playing
doesn't continue. That isn't a bug, but one of two fundamental
attitudes. One attitude is that the pause key does toggle between pause
and playing and the other is, that pause, just pause playing and to
continue there's the need to push play instead. I suspect that the OP
needs to send a feature request to upstream.

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