[xubuntu-users] Google Chrome Stable or Chromium Browser Crashes on Xubuntu 14.04

Robert Crawford webguytx at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 00:13:39 UTC 2014

I tested Debian 7.6 live CD today, had no issues. I installed Chromium, it
loaded fine, without any additional drivers. My new video card I will test.

It only cost $3.25 plus shipping. It also has dvi and vga. Its got more ram
 On Aug 19, 2014 3:56 PM, "Steven Rosenberg" <stevenhrosenberg at gmail.com>

> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Robert Crawford <webguytx at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I installed the fgrlx driver, it did not help. I've ordered a different
> > video card from eBay. A ATI RADEON 7000 PCI card.
> What I was saying is that Chrome doesn't run when I'm using Catalyst,
> but runs fine when I'm not. The command-line switch I suggest is for
> when you are using Catalyst/fglrx. In my case, without Catalyst/fglrx,
> i.e. when using the open Radeon driver, I don't need the special
> command-line switch, and Chrome runs fine.
> I'm not saying you're necessarily having the same problem as me, but
> you could be (though it sounds like you're not).
> --
> Steven Rosenberg
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> steven at stevenrosenberg.net
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