[xubuntu-users] 14.04 kinda installed, what about upgrades

John R. Sowden jsowden at americansentry.net
Fri Apr 25 19:01:12 UTC 2014

I downloaded the iso and installed it on my machine that has windows and 
ubuntu 13.10.  Unfortunately it did not replace my 13.10 with 14.40. 
Instead it added it and moved my 13.10 to a subdirectory in either the 
/media/john directory with a long cryptic name.

The 14.40 does not work because it can't find any of my files, icons, etc.

Now I am getting upgrades, as usual, but I don't know what version they 
are for, and whether I should install them.

I suppose that I will be removing my data files and any programs that I 
can from the home directory (and possibly the opt dir), reformatting all 
of the partitions except the window ones and then reinstalling.

what should I do about these updates, I am concerned that I might trash 
the os


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