[xubuntu-users] Installing Xubuntu from a flash drive

Bill hb.cog.jil at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 18:22:51 UTC 2013

On 09/14/2013 02:07 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-09-14 at 14:02 -0400, Bill wrote:
>>> On 09/14/2013 09:42 AM, Steven Verner wrote:
>>>>> You need wo make sure your bios is set to boot from usb.
>>>>> Some(most modern ones) BIOS have a simple aption to set usb
>>>>> as the first boot device, soem will even view it as another
>>>>> hard drive, in which case you change the hdd boot priority as
>>>>> the usb drive, and some (usually older) won't have the option
>>>>> at all, in which case you will need PLBT.
>>> "PLBT"? I did a quick search for the anacronym which yielded
>>> nothing useful. I'd like to know what you mean, because if you
>>> mean that "PLBT" makes booting from usb possible on an older
>>> computer, I would like to try it on one of mine (a Dell Inspiron
>>> 530; the bios shows the option but then won't boot to the
>>> bootable usb when selected). Thanks.
> Using https://startpage.com  search engine, searching for "usb boot
> plbt" without the quotes, I get
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/using-plop-boot-manager-usb-boot
> and several other hits.

Thanks! I'll be looking into that. (And thanks for the tip on 
startpage.com. First I've heard of it as well. It amazes me what I learn 
from the folks like you on this list.)


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