[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu - my favourite

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Fri Sep 13 09:49:56 UTC 2013

On 13/09/13 01:05, James Freer wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Neil Winchurst <neilwin at drofle.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 12/09/13 15:03, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>>> I've been all over the Linux landscape and, I have to say, I keep coming
>>> back to Xubuntu. Originally, I chose it because I was running an older
>>> laptop that didn't have much power. Xubuntu ran smoothly when its
>>> heavier cousins didn't. Now, I have much better hardware but, I figure,
>>> why put the heavier desktops on them just for the glitz? Xubuntu lets me
>>> do everything I want to do simply and with all the power I need. Plus, I
>>> know I'm squeezing every single bit of power out of my machine.
>>> I have no reason to go to anything but Xubuntu. I develop software,
>>> chat, watch movies, compose music, edit videos, everything and I've
>>> never run into a problem. Why would I ever go anywhere else? :-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Anthony
>> I have always used fairly new and reasonably powerful computers, so that
>> wasn't the reason I first tried xfce. But when I did I liked it. Looking
>> around, as I said before, I found that xfce, when it was available, was
>> normally not the main desktop manager for the distro, but it was 'also
>> available'. Apart from everything else about Xubuntu, I like the fact that
>> xfce is the only DM. Just the one thing to concentrate on.
>> And I also am not interested in all the glitz and bling that some of the
>> heavier distros provide. Can't see the point myself. So I now use a new
>> laptop which is quite powerful and Xubuntu goes like the clappers. As you
>> said, why go anywhere else?
>> Neil
> Like others have said - I also use xubuntu because I like its minimal
> approach and I add what I want to it (rather than doing what I used to
> do with Ubuntu back in 2009 - remove some and add others).
> I also did a survey of other xfce distros and also find that it is by
> far the most stable and pleasant to use. I also looked at the rolling
> release ones and I don't follow the rolling release model thoughts
> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1246
> I was unfairly criticised when I mentioned it a while back in a
> discussion about improvement. I had mentioned that I think an
> improvement would be to have one annual point release as 6 month
> releases do demand quite a lot of work for developers. But rolling
> release seems very much a backward step for stability.
> But as far as the current situation goes - Distrowatch Page hit
> ranking Xubuntu is #27. So how can we promote Xubuntu to the place it
> deserves.
> james

Thanks for all the praise so far (including later messages to this thread).

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Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
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