[xubuntu-users] Is there a list for *ABSOLUTE* beginners with Xubuntu?

Elfy ub.untu at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 9 22:12:40 UTC 2013

On 03/09/13 15:14, David Walland wrote:
> I went onto this list, hoping to learn from it but I'm *SUCH* a newbie 
> with Linux/X/Ubuntu that it could mostly be written in Outer Mongolian 
> without reducing the amount of meaning I get from it.
> I'm 66 and have worked with computers on and off since 1964, so I'm no 
> novice.  I was fairly expert on BBC Micros in the 1980s and was also 
> programming in hex on the 6800 at that time.  Since the PC revolution, 
> I've been just a user and I simply can't seem to get off first base 
> with Xubuntu, which I have on a laptop so ancient it defaults to 1998 
> if the onboard battery fails (often).
> It runs surprisingly quickly on an older version of Xubuntu (10.04). 
>  I can use it for ordinary "user" things but can't manage to get 
> Office Libre to load (it *downloaded* OK!) onto the machine and the 
> error messages don't use words memorable enough for me to record them 
> (they flash on screen and then disappear before I can do anything 
> sensible!)
> Is there any local group in the NE of England I could join for 
> mentoring?  I really want to learn Linux/Ubuntu and run my XP machines 
> on it from next year - all I need is some help to get me up to where I 
> can learn alone.
> Videos are no help as I'm hearing impaired from birth and can't 
> concentrate on both hearing and grasping content at the same time.
> Regards,
> David Walland

So - after a whole bunch of replies - some getting further and further 
into the intricacies of various issues - are you any the wiser David?


Ubuntu Forum Council Member
Xubuntu QA Lead

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