[xubuntu-users] Strange notification after upgrade
Qua Purna
quapurna at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 20:55:11 UTC 2013
I think, you can reduce the duration and the location of its
appearance via "Notification" menu.
On 11/26/13, Viv & Dave <dwbg22538 at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Viv & Dave did say unto me on 25/11/13 18:17:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> Today I upgraded my netbook from Xubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. Seems all okay
>>>> except for a strange notification in the top right that won't go away.
>>>> It looks like a lightbulb so I'm thinking it's something to do with
>>>> screen brightness (?).
>>>> There is no X to close it. I can make it transparent but it re-appears
>>>> when moused over and can prevent me accessing parts of an application
>>>> that are beneath it. I know I can make applications 'always on top' but
>>>> having to do that every time gets annoying.
>>>> A screenshot of it is here -
>>>> http://ubuntuone.com/2R7Mtw9jBmFlhRZC8MqqV3
>>>> Any help will be very much appreciated. I'm happy to turn of all
>>>> notifications if necessary.
>> Many thanks
>> Dave
>> ________________________________
>> It doesn't show up in your task/system manager? -- notifier, I think. Out
>> of curiosity, have you tried restarting XFWM4? The command is xfwm4
>> --replace, I'm pretty sure. Somebody else probably will know exactly how
>> to kill this.
>> Seems to me XFCE should have switched to LEDs by now. CFLs are *so* 2001
>> and have mercury in them.
>> ________________________________
>> Many thanks for your response. I can't see a notifier in task manager and
>> that xfwm4 --replace command doesn't seem to do anything.
>> Dave
> I think I've sorted it, thanks to this page -
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/104273/how-do-i-disable-pop-up-notifications-in-xubuntu
> Cheers
> Dave
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