[xubuntu-users] Choosing the right/best version (release) of Xubuntu

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 23:12:31 UTC 2013

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>wrote:

> Regarding to Windows paint consider to install the Ubuntu Studio
> meta packages or directly install to one of the laptops Ubuntu Studio.
> Ubuntu Studio is based on Xubuntu. http://ubuntustudio.com/

Yes, I am aware that Ubuntu Studio is too using XFCE but if I will install
the meta package, 'MS Paint' will be intalled? or just one of its

I have just installed GNOME Paint and Pinta which very close. He insisted
on MS Paint but I will convince him ;)
However, I think it is good idea to show him everything so I am willing to
give him the 3 options (MS Paint + Pinta + GNOME Paint) and when he will
check Linux Applications, I am sure he will get rid of MS Paint ASAP :D

> It's good that your neighbour is that interested that he found you by a
> posting.

Yep, I am working so hard to recruit as many as possible.

I installed Lubuntu to a lady with very old laptop. She was dazzled and
until now, she did not ask one single Q :D
I think I did the installation 3-4 weeks ago and because she hasn't asked,
I can assume everything is super fine. However, another one called me twice
because they have Windows 8 which ... well, you know Windows :D

> If Paint is really needed and shouldn't run with wine, consider to get
> the licensed Windows of those PCs running in VirtualBox. It seems to be
> semi-legal and should be possible. Last month or this month this was
> discussed in a thread on Debian users mailing list, I don't remember the
> subject at the moment.

I refuse to install Windows :D
I will do whatever it takes to provide those newcomers with any option but
not Windows.

His son needs Paint because he is studying it at school and I have to
convince him that it is not necessarily to use the exact same program. I
guess I have my own way to do a brainwash :P hehe just kidding :)

> "New is always better" - Barney Stinson
Hmm, but Old is Gold ;)

> Regards,
> Ralf
Thank you, Ralf :)

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
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