[xubuntu-users] 14.04 & XScreensaver

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Thu Nov 14 14:03:30 UTC 2013

On 14/11/13 14:43, PGillespie wrote:
> Speaking of wallpapers, when are you guys going to dump XScreenSaver?
> If you're planning to, or I've missed it, then my apologies. If not,
> then isn't it time? In my experience, it either doesn't function
> properly or it's marginal at best. Do I really need to know about
> Helveltica every, single time Xscreensaver is invoked -- time, after
> time, after time, after time? The login prompt doesn't even appear
> when FLGRX drivers are installed (which isn't the end of the world
> since it's the butt-ugliest login prompt in the Universe). Half the
> options don't work. Why? It makes XFCE look like late-night amateur hour.

Yes, it is in the roadmap [1].


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/

P.S. The next time you send a message please reconsider the attitude
twice as well as the alternative of refraining from posting.

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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