[xubuntu-users] Ghostscript gone?

wim.dukker wim.dukker at gmail.com
Thu May 23 19:01:43 UTC 2013

Joshua, thanks for the info, regards wim
Op 23-05-13 14:25, Joshua O'Leary schreef:
> Installing 'xubuntu-desktop' should get at least the core packages back
> On Thu, 23 May 2013 07:00:29 +0200
> "wim.dukker" <wim.dukker at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Joshua,
>> Many thanks for your research!
>> I'll stick to repo packages from now on. I'l become 67 years old this
>> month, and still learning :)
>> So i have to take some more rigorous steps to get my printer back.
>> Is there a command like " apt-get install xubuntu" to avoid that i have
>> to reinstall all my personal software? (because as far as i know all the
>> packages should be somewere on the computer).
>> Hope to hear from you.
>> with kind regards,
>> wim dukker
>> Op 22-05-13 16:53, Joshua O'Leary schreef:
>>> TThe package version appears to be exactly the same as the repo version:
>>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/ghostscript
>>> There are also no conflicts listed in the dependencies so it doesn't
>>> appear that installing it would remove anything else (I haven't
>>> checked the site one yet but its probably just a mirror). It doesn't
>>> appear that this has caused anything to break, in general though stick
>>> only to repo packages for core things.
>>> div class="gmail_quote">wim dukker <wim.dukker at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>      Hello Joshua and Bruno,
>>>      Thanks for your fast reply, great!
>>>      Joshua: I have added the dpkg logfile of today regarding
>>>      installing ghostsript package (found on
>>>      http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-12.10/ubuntu-main-amd64/ghostscript_9.06~dfsg-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb.html
>>>      <http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-12.10/ubuntu-main-amd64/ghostscript_9.06%7Edfsg-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb.html>).
>>>      Because I am NOT a linux nerd I don't understand whats in the
>>>      logfile, but what I am understanding is that my printer is missing.
>>>      Because i am not a nerd i have a number of questions; e.g.
>>>       1. How do i find out what is is installed at the moment and what not?
>>>       2. What has cups to do with ghostsript?
>>>       3. How do i add / remove a printer in cups etc.
>>>       4. Is there somwhere to find a good cups manual for people like
>>>          me to get a basic understanding of cups, ppd files,
>>>          ghostscript and there relationships???
>>>      Bruno: I have explored the thread and it looks promising but first
>>>      of all i need my printer back.
>>>      On this moment if i want to add a printer the program is asking
>>>      for a server ??
>>>      Hope that you guys know how to help me further.
>>>      Many thanks in advance
>>>      With kind regards,
>>>      wim dukker
>>>      Op 21-05-13 15:09, Bruno Benitez schreef:
>>>>      a few weeks ago i found myself figthing against xerox printers,
>>>>      it turns out, in my case, that xerox do not provide drivers for
>>>>      64 bit software, just 32 bit stuff.
>>>>      this is the thread on the ubuntu forums that i helped someone
>>>>      else with
>>>>      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2136163&p=12607515&highlight=#post12607515
>>>>      don't know if that would help you but there you go
>>>>      2013/5/21 Joshua O'Leary <jmoey139 at gmail.com
>>>>      <mailto:jmoey139 at gmail.com>>
>>>>          Check the dpkg logs in /var/log to find out what it is that
>>>>          actually got removed, make sure that any cups or driver
>>>>          packages haven't been taken off. Was it a package from the
>>>>          repo or downloaded from somewhere else?
>>>>          Joshua
>>>>          On Tue, 21 May 2013 10:28:34 +0200
>>>>          wim dukker <wim.dukker at gmail.com
>>>>          <mailto:wim.dukker at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>          > Hello to all of you,
>>>>          >
>>>>          > I am running a Xerox 6110 colorprinter under Xubuntu 12.04.
>>>>          >
>>>>          > Because of the bad color quality under Linux i seached for
>>>>          a solution to
>>>>          > improve the color quality. Xerox documentation recommended
>>>>          installing
>>>>          > the latest Ghostscript software.
>>>>          > I installed ghostscript package
>>>>          > "ghostscript_9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.2_amd64.deb". After
>>>>          installation, /*some
>>>>          > packages were deleted*/, the printer is not working anymore.
>>>>          > Re-installing ghostsript via Software Centre did not help.
>>>>          >
>>>>          > Is it possible to reinstall Xubuntu so that i don't have to
>>>>          reinstall
>>>>          > all my personal software? Or are there better solutions to
>>>>          get my
>>>>          > printer back?
>>>>          >
>>>>          > Many thanks in advance for the support.
>>>>          >
>>>>          > Kind regards
>>>>          > Wim Dukker
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>>>>      Bruno.-
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