[xubuntu-users] start-up disk check

Joshua O'Leary jmoey139 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 15:47:17 UTC 2013

If you force a disk check does it go away? Placing a forcefsck file in 
the root of the disk you want to check will do this, so just run *sudo 
touch /forcefsck*. If the problem doesn't go away, take a look at the 
logs in /var/log/fsck.

On 24/03/13 12:48, James Freer wrote:
> using xubuntu 12.04
> I'd be grateful if someone could advise. The disk check that one gets
> every few weeks seems to be hanging for me. It starts the check and
> then just hnags until i click the 'skip'. I've not had this before and
> have used *buntu since 2007.
> Forgive me for not being more technical but i'd be appreciate some advice.
> james

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