[xubuntu-users] iTunes on Xubuntu (was: Re: ThinkPad T400 - No Desktop (GUI))

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sat Dec 7 01:01:22 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 19:23 -0500, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> You might try Itunes version 10

You seriously assume that averaged users are still using iOS versions
older iOS7? iOS 7+ requires an up to date version of iTunes. IOW if
Ali's neighbour should have a new iThingy or if the neighbour should
have updated the iOS version of the old iThingy, iTunes 10 couldn't be
used anymore. FWIW AFAIK it's impossible, at least for averaged users,
to downgrade to iOS 6.x. A jailbreak unlikely will change this
situation. And even if it should be possible to downgrade, keep in mind
that Apple fans are devotee to the latest Apple icon theme and animated
wallpapers. What should all the other neighbours think, if somebody
still does use the theme and ions from yesterday or a wallpaper that
isn't animated? Ali does an unrewarding job. Apple marketing experts
know what they are doing.

The only solution is to install a Windows to a virtual machine. An easy
to use host is VirtualBox and it does _seamless_ integrate into a Xfce
environment, even wine is that seamless. Most people I know do use XP. I
for example use Linux with single click and XP can be set up to single
click too. I don't know if new Windows versions can be customized as XP
can be.

I would ask at this list what others do think about VirtualBox or any
other virtual machine as host and what Windows they do use.

Installing iTunes 10 IMO is good or absolutely nothing. I might be
mistaken, perhaps it's useful for an iPad. Dunno.


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