[xubuntu-users] Google Chrome & PDF viewing, etc.

Bill hb.cog.jil at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 23:54:44 UTC 2013

On 08/22/2013 06:45 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
>       I fired up Google, and went to extensions/get more extensions...
>>     plenty of choices there, including ( under extensions)
>>     https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/pdf?hl=en-US
>>     Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer ( by Google)
> I just tried that after finding out Chrome Browser won't even use the
> system pdf viewer. So, I loaded from that link and the darn thing takes
> me to login page from Google Docs, instead of just openning the $%^&#$@
> pdf file. That is sorry, and why I use firefox. Ric

FWIW, I'm running Xubuntu 12.04 (Linux bill-XPS-M1530 
3.2.0-52-generic-pae #78-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 26 16:43:19 UTC 2013 i686 
i686 i386 GNU/Linux), and have Google Chrome Version 29.0.1547.57 
installed, which appears to have a built-in PDF viewer, which is 
actually very nice (I use Firefox by default, so I had not paid 
attention to it as a PDF viewer). I say "built-in" because I have 
installed no PDF related extensions.

I also have Chromium Version 28.0.1500.71 Ubuntu 12.04 
(28.0.1500.71-0ubuntu1.12.04.1) installed, and it wants to download pdf 

I also have Web (which I thought was Epiphany, but apparently is not) 
installed, which uses "Document Viewer" to display PDF files (and it has 
the Acrobat icon in the "About" info), and Midori, which prompts to 
download or open and then downloads no matter what I choose.

Firefox works best for me, so I use it most of the time.

All of that said, I do not know why it does, but Google Chrome works 
well on my system for viewing PDF files.


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