[xubuntu-users] Sound gone missing

Neil Winchurst neilwin at drofle.co.uk
Sun Apr 14 07:42:08 UTC 2013

On 14/04/13 01:30, Roderick Aldridge wrote:
> On 14/04/13 09:36, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> On 04/13/2013 10:08 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
>>> On 04/13/2013 04:17 PM, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>>> On 13/04/13 21:06, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>>>> I have been happily running Xubuntu 12.04 for a while now. Suddenly
>>>>> this
>>>>> evening I find that there is no sound. I also notice that the volume
>>>>> icon is missing from the panel.
>>>>> When I try to start pulseaudio volume control I get a message that
>>>>> it is
>>>>> 'establishing connection to Pulseaudio ... please wait'. But it never
>>>>> starts.
>>>>> Can anyone point me in the right direction please. I have never had
>>>>> any
>>>>> problem with sound before.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Neil
>>>> Strange!! It suddenly occurred to me to close down the computer and
>>>> restart, and sound is now working (and pulseaudio is running). If
>>>> anyone has any ideas about that one I would be pleased to hear it,
>>>> especially as I would know what to look out for.
>>> Maybe some update occurred that required the re-boot and your system was
>>> just unstable until you did? Ric

I had just rebooted. I don't leave my computer on all day, although I 
have friends and relations who do. Also after running any updates I 
always check if a restart is required.

>> Audio control was notoriously unstable under earlier Linuxes, and I
>> used to find things like disappearing icons and non-existent panels
>> quite frequently. Over the last 2-3 years it has stabilised and I
>> haven't had any problems like this (at least from Ubuntu). The idea
>> that it is reocurring is a little worrying. I hope this was a local
>> and temporary glitch.
>> Video (webcams), on the other hand, remains a fantasy in every distro
>> I have tried.
I have not tried a webcam as such. However I do use Skype sometimes and 
the camera on my setup works for both sound and picture.

>> ///Peter
> I have found that sometimes sound doesn't work after I suspend or
> hibernate my PC. Nothing I have tried gets it back except a reboot.
> Roderick Aldridge
I have never used suspend of hibernate.

Today sound is working fine. One of those mysteries I guess.


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