[xubuntu-users] Failed upgrade

uteck theuteck at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 21:53:17 UTC 2012

You could install xubuntu-desktop which should pull in missing apps.  If
you don't want X to autostart then remove /etc/init.d/lightdm

On Nov 28, 2012 3:46 PM, "Tim" <tim at xendistar.co.uk> wrote:
> On 28/11/12 20:55, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On Wed, 2012-11-28 at 20:43 +0000, Tim wrote:
>>> I had xubuntu 10.04lts which I upgraded to 12.04 lts. The server was set
>>> to boot to cli and then startx if I needed a gui. Now when I type startx
>>> and press return a couple of seconds later a small box appears in the
>>> middle of the screen with a large red no entry sign and the words Failed
>>> to load session "gnome"  the only option is to click a button that says
>>> log out.
>>> Can anybody please advise
>>> Tim
>> Tim, I'm not sure, but I suspect that such an update will cause a
>> mess-up regarding to a switch from GNOME2 to GNOME3 and from init to
>> upstart. I'm not aware when there were the transitions and if this can
>> be handled by a version upgrade, but I suspect this as a possible risk.
>> Regards,
>> Ralf
> Well I found my way into xfce but it is not happy.
> After some more googling somebody wrote (they had a similar problem) that
typing startxfce4 at the cli allowed him into xfce. I tried it and I am in
to my desktop but it is not happy, I have clicked on a couple of program in
the main menu and the program has opened but hung with a spinning mouse
cursor, one of those programs is the user manager which I know is a gnome
program. Looks like I will be wiping it and starting again :(
> Tim
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