[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu and Remastersys

uteck theuteck at gmail.com
Wed May 16 20:21:17 UTC 2012

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Joshua O'Leary
<joshua.oleary at btinternet.com> wrote:
> On 16/05/12 15:38, uteck wrote:
>> I am using to Remastersys to tweak the Xubuntu 12.04 install disk and
>> would like to make the resulting new disk auto install, but the
>> install script does not start when the live cd desktop session starts.
>>  I can manually call it from ~/.config/autostart/install.sh and it
>> works, so how do I get it to run automatically?  I even added it with
>> Session Manager->Session and Startup options on the build box and it
>> shows up on the live cd, but still no joy.
> Create a .desktop shortcut in /etc/xdg/autostart like this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=Script Name
> Comment=A Comment
> Exec=path/to/executable
> Type=Application
> Terminal=false (or true for terminal applications)
> StartupNotify=false
> That would do it system-wide. Don't forget you can also use /etc/skel for
> customisation of home directories.
> Joshua
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Thanks, I'll try the .desktop file, but I would have thought that it
would execute the .sh file just as well.
Using /etc/skel does not add anything to user directories if that
directory is created by XFCE, which creates .config/autostart before
/etc/skel runs.  If I place it in /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/autostart then
run remastersys, then it shows up.

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