[xubuntu-users] No Audio System

Joshua O'Leary joshua.oleary at btinternet.com
Fri May 4 14:48:20 UTC 2012

On 04/05/12 00:28, ivo4linux wrote:
> xubuntu 11.10  work very well on my netbook HP mini.  I have to fix 
> ony the audio system. it paly  music, video and youtube but it do not 
> paly any system sound like  notification of new mail and log-in end 
> log-out etc etc. I  've been looking  for solution without success :(
> Thanks in advance for any help
For notifications like new mail 'Enable event sounds' under xfce 
settings manager>appearance>settings. Xfce does not have login/logout 
sounds, for a login sound you would add:

aplay /sound.wav/
To session and startup>startup applications in the settings manager
(or /play sound.ogg/ if sox is installed)

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