[xubuntu-users] sshd not accepting connections

Knute Johnson ubuntu at knutejohnson.com
Sat Jun 30 14:45:35 UTC 2012

On 6/29/2012 9:57 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
>> OK, great.  Then attempt to ssh into it from a terminal and see what sort of
>> error you get or not.
>> ssh localhost
> That works now.
> I'd like to run the firewall, but I need the samba connection.  How do
> I preserve it?

You need to know what ports samba uses.  I haven't played with samba in 
a long time but I'm sure somebody on the list will know.  Then when you 
start the firewall you open those ports and it should all work.  The 
syntax for ufw is fairly complicated, I have to read the man page every 
time I want change my port settings.

sudo ufw enable   -   turns on the firewall and closes all ports
sudo ufw allow 22   -   opens port 22 for ssh


Knute Johnson

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