[xubuntu-users] Xsane behavior change with no xsane change

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 23:29:08 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:32 PM,  <cody.smith9202 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, that might be an Xubuntu "feature", I have the same thing in Kubuntu
> with other apps that would perform differently in Ubuntu. but I myself don't
> feel a few extra keystrokes or clicks is hardly worth making a huge fuss
> about, but everyone has different views. so yeah.

It's not so much the issue of one extra click (although that is
annoying when I have to hunt for where the last directory I used was
so I can click it).

It's an issue of feature changes where someone else (developers) think
that it's ok to change a feature without any sort of backward
compatibility.  I've been a software developer in this business for 32
1/2 years and one of the caveats most of my companies live by is
"Don't change anything that's out there within (x) releases if it will
break backward compatibility."

The general rule to live by is never pis off the customers, even if
the product is free.  When you implement a new way of doing something,
you either make it a new option the users can select (opt-in) or you
give them a way to run the old way (opt-out), but you don't just
change it and figure the users can just deal with it.

I'm in Xubuntu now because the Unity and GNOME3 interfaces and
controls suck, especially at giving the users control over how they
want it to look/act/behave/be compatible.  Xfce is more flexible and
lacks some of the bugs G2 had (bravo!).

To bend an old quote, "The computers is a perfect idiot - it will do
exactly what you tell it to do, no more, no less, so let *me* tell it
how to do so to the maximum extent possible."


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