[xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 66, Issue 23

Brian Masinick masinick at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 17 14:13:26 UTC 2012

My sincerest apologies to the mailing list - and to anyone else who corresponds 
with me.  Because of carelessness on the part of Yahoo Mail administrators, 
Yahoo Mail has been compromised multiple times in the past week.  The mail 
server containing my Yahoo Mail address book was compromised (and you know 
that's stored on Yahoo servers, not on my system).  It sprayed unwanted spam 
all over the place; I have changed my password twice with random UPPER, lower, 
numbers and symbols to thwart this.  Hopefully that is the end of it; if not, 
it's the end of my use of Yahoo Mail, which I've used as my primary Email 
address since the nineties.  Hard to believe that a company that experienced in 
Email servers would be that careless with passwords, whether they are behind 
ten firewalls or zero!  Anyway, that's my rant, and hopefully the Xubuntu-users 
Digest will not be spammed any further by Yahoo spammers trying to use my name 
and address.

On a more positive note - and there always is one - Xubuntu, as usual, has been 
running very smoothly for me.  I really don't seem to exercise all the corners 
and complexities that others seem to encounter, I simply use it primarily for 
Web-based research and communication, and it's a superb platform for that purpose.

Brian Masinick

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