[xubuntu-users] Stop the notification area in Xfce

Joshua O'Leary joshua.oleary at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 10 13:20:47 UTC 2012

On 09/07/12 23:05, James Freer wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Lee Gold <leegold at operamail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way in Xubuntu to completely remove or stop all action of the
>> notification area? I want all icons just show up in the panel like they
>> used too.
>> If I just check in panel preference to not show the notification area
>> then icons which only show up there will be missing. That is not want
>> I'm asking.
>> I want to completely uninstall it and have those icons show big and
>> distinctly on the panel not crammed into a small area which is unusable
>> on a hi-res laptop.
>> Or set the notification area to contain absolutely nothing and then
>> remove it from the panel = that would work if the icon relegated to it
>> show up normally after that.
>> Thanks
> If i've understood you correctly i don't think you can. I have just
> one panel (bottom of screen) and have the notification area to the
> right [which shows the network connection and Update icon when
> necessary]. You say "those icons show big and
> distinctly on the panel not crammed into a small area which is unusable
> on a hi-res laptop" -  so why not have one panel and increase panel depth.
> james
You could try using the indicator plugin instead - alot of apps support 
this (its the default in the standard ubuntu). Or change the desktop 
theme - other themes may have smaller icons. You could just make the 
panel smaller too.


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