[xubuntu-users] Several problems

Shaun Marolf shaun.marolf at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 19:57:20 UTC 2012

On 01/02/2012 01:25 PM, Paul Donlan wrote:
> M.S,:
> As I understand it, all Xubuntu Apps are basically the same as Ubuntu 
> Apps. A simple way to download Adobe Flash Plugin is open up  the 
> Ubuntu Software Center, type "flash" on the search bar and the Adobe 
> Flash Plugin will come right up, ready for install.
> Not sure if this is the answer to your question but hope so.
> PaD
> On Sun, 01 Jan 2012 08:35:09 -0800, Marta Syrocka 
> <marta.syrocka at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi, everybody.
>     I'm a new one. I've just received my EeePC and I've change the
>     system to EeeXubuntu. I would like to know is there any FAQ or
>     something like that to help my use this system. I'm not asking for
>     Ubuntu WebSite or other but Xubuntu especially. I'm trying to
>     install FlashPlayer (others like Adobe too) but the system's
>     telling me that it isn't a good version for it. I think I'll have
>     much more questions like this so I'll be really grateful if there
>     is a help.
>     Thank you very much in advance. I need to add that normally I'm a
>     Windows user.
>     Happy New Year.
>     Sincerely,
>     M.S.
By default Ubuntu based systems do not have medibuntu repositories 
activated. Those will give you access to updated and needed multimedia 
files and codecs. This includes updated Adobe Flash Player.

Go to http://medibuntu.org/ to get the information you need to install 
this repository.

It isn't about it being free. Rather, its about the freedom it brings.

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