[xubuntu-users] Help requested

Jan Chandler janicechandler at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 03:25:15 UTC 2012

> On 01/01/12 20:40, Jan Chandler
> wrote:
> >
> > Alrighty then, I wasn't using Windows much anyway.
> After all, who needs partitions or NetFlix?
> >
> > So, does anyone know of a Linux program that opens
> KeyNote files (the windows-based note organizer, not the Mac
> job)?
> >
> never used KeyNote, assuming it's 
> http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote_features.html, you
> should be able 
> to save/export your data as rich text format (RTF) files
> and many 
> softwares will read/process those (Abiword is one).
> have you tried Zotero (www.zotero.org)?  there's a
> thread on their forum 
> discussing the import of KeyNote data.

That's the one! The absolute best note organizer ever written. The only thing it lacked was a spell checker. I used it to organize my novels, short stories, research and work notes. Several weeks ago I exported one of my important keynote collections and the individual files numbered in the low hundreds. It was VERY discouraging trying to slog through the mess. 

I never gave Zotero much thought, but I will look into it. If it will import a Keynote file, it will be a godsend. 


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