[xubuntu-users] Can't Install Xubuntu 12.04 Alpha 2 Into VirtualBox?

Michael Höhne mih-hoehne at web.de
Thu Feb 9 17:14:52 UTC 2012

Hallo Jesse,

> I downloaded Xubuntu 12.04 64Bit Alpha 2 and ran a MD5Sum on it.
> I setup a new VirtualBox virtual machine to install it.
> When I boot up the VM and try to install 12.04, the mouse cursor is
> not shown?

I had the same Problem. There is a setting in VirtualBox under
"System" which (in german) is called: "Absolutes Zeigegerät aktivieren".

In english it should be something like "activate absolute

I had to _un_check it.


   / / / / /__/      Michael Höhne /
  /   / / /  /  mih-hoehne at web.de /

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