[xubuntu-users] Abiword & Libreoffice writer -- "jitters"

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed Dec 19 23:48:18 UTC 2012

I experienced such issues already years ago IIRC for OpenOffice, AbiWord
and Evolution and perhaps other apps too, e.g. text became invisible,
you need to scroll or to mark the invisible text, to make it visible.

At the moment I notice that very often some characters are missing. Do I
type less good at the moment? Is the hardware broken? Or is it buggy

At least Evolution has among other issues, a performance issue. Opening
a short text only email can take a minute.

I started with OpenOffice years ago, today I usually use editors and
MUAs, very seldom I use AbiWord. I still have to remove LibreOffice and
to install AbiWord. Didn't use them until now on Quantal, however, this
"jitter" you describe is something I already noticed in the past for
different distros. Fortunately office isn't important to me.

Btw. it's needed to delete ~./cache from time to time for my Quantal

Did you check what libraries are shared by Abiword & Libreoffice writer?

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