[xubuntu-users] reading contents of CD

Preston Hagar prestonh at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 16:26:21 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Norman Silverstone
<norman at littletank.org> wrote:
> With the new printer I have bought there is a CD which, amongst other
> things, should contain the manual on how to use the machine. The printer is
> a Samsung and is Linux compatible. The CD mounts OK but only shows one
> folder labelled Linux. On sequential openings the name changes to noarch,
> then to at_opt, then to share, then to utils and then 2 folders named
> SetlPApplet.html and SetlPApplet.ja.
> How do I go about finding the manual and anything else which I may need to
> run the printer, please?
> Norman

Likely, you will need to either look for a PDF file somewhere on the
CD (possibly not in the Linux folder) or go to Samsung's site and look
up the documentation there. Usually, the CD only contains Windows
drivers/software and sometimes Mac.  Depending on the manufacturer,
they may put Linux ppd files on the CD or other software, or more
often they either put it on on their website or submit it to CUPS to
be included with their driver set.

Just because it is Linux compatible doesn't mean they will make it
easy on you :)


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