[xubuntu-users] Opera browser - anyone use it?

James Freer jessejazza3 at aol.co.uk
Sun Sep 25 11:11:21 UTC 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin <dixiedancer at gmail.com>
To: marc_smith <marc_smith at gmx.com>; Xubuntu Help and User Discussions 
<xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 10:56
Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Opera browser - anyone use it?

     I didn't find Opera to be measurably faster than Seamonkey which 
isopen-source (Mozilla) and does the same thing - with pluginslike 
adblocker, ghostery, scribefire, lightning, etc. I liked Opera butit 
was rather like learning web-browsing and e-mail all over 
again.Seamonkey was instantly "familiar looking," like using Firefox 
andThunderbird. It's lightweight enough to be the default browser of 
PuppyLinux, so I think that says alot for it as well.

Thanks for your comments. I thought Opera had lots of clever things, 
nice and fast but i must say i've gone over to Seamonkey and impressed 
by it. I like TB and Firefox but both have become quite slow... TB 
almost to the point of unusable with large amounts of mail. I tried 
other email clients but Alpine was the only one that ticked a box for 
me although as folk still insist on using html i decided on Seamonkey 
[wish they'd change the name to 'Seahawk' or something as 'monkey' 
gives it a derogatory label i feel].


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