[xubuntu-users] Community Meeting on Monday, May 23, 2011 at 19:00 UTC
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Thu May 12 18:55:43 UTC 2011
The Xubuntu Community will be having a meeting on 2011-05-23 at 19:00
UTC. This meeting will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net.
The agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings .
those items currently on the agenda are:
* Old business - all
* email the ML with proposed meeting days and times, Mon, Thurs,
Fri only for days
* knome is to set up a tele-conference of some
type to discuss marketing - carried forward
* Team updates - Team Leads
* Packaging & Development
* Bug Triage & Testing
* Website & Marketing
* Artwork
* Documentation
* Announcements - Project Lead
* Governance structure - all
* Any Other Business - all/anyone
* Meeting date and time
Please feel free to add items to the agenda you feel should be
discussed. While I can not promise we will get to every item, we will
do the best we can. The main reason for this meeting is to discuss
progress for Natty Narwhal. If you are interested in the future of
Xubuntu, you are invited to attend this meeting.
As this will be the first meeting for the Oneiric Ocelot release cycle,
we will need to decide on our plans for Oneiric.
It has been decided at UDS-O in Budapest that lightDM will replace GDM
as the login manager for Ubuntu. With a developer able to work the
issues in LightDM as they are reported, this is a prime opportunity for
Xubuntu to move away from GDM.
Charlie Kravetz
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM. [http://keepingdreams.com]
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