[xubuntu-users] [11.04]-Xubuntu is great, have some questions...

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 21:18:50 UTC 2011


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Jesse Palser <SLNTHERO at aol.com> wrote:
> [11.04]-Xubuntu is great, have some questions...
> Hi,
> I was a long time Ubuntu Gnome user (many years),
> but recent changes from Gnome 2.x to Unity
> made me drop that distro fast and look for an alternative.
> I tried about 12 different Linux distributions
> and I decided that Xubuntu 11.04 would be my final choice.
> I just love Xubuntu 11.04 with XFCE desktop environment.
Nice to hear. Xfce is a very nice and underrated DE. A couple of
comments below.

> Here are my questions:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - XFCE panel has a bad bug in it where window buttons
> can not be drag-n-dropped into different order.
> (I fixed this by installing XFCE panel from 11.10)
> I guess this will be fixed in 11.10.
Originally removing DnD support for panel items was on purpose, but it
was recently fixed in xfce4-panel 4.8.4. See [1].
[1] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7058

> - I managed to make my window titlebars transparent,
> but was wondering if a Windows(R) Aero effect is possible?
> (Aero makes the transparency fuzzy)
Probably not, but I'm also missing this and it might make sense to
file a feature request on the bugzilla (link above). Alternatively,
Xfce is highly modular and you could experiment with using compiz (or
whatever) instead of xfwm4 as a window manager.

> - I have a calculator button on my USB keyboard
> but in Xubuntu it not working.  How would I fix this?
> (worked OK on Ubuntu)
As long as Ubuntu already assigned an event to your key, try Settings
> Keyboard > Shortcuts and there add a new item and assign your
favourite button to your favourite calculator.

> - There seems to be two audio volume controls on my panel?
> I know how to get rid of one of them, but can this be fixed in 11.10?
> - Ubuntu 11.04 had a great feature to drag a window
> to the screen edge and it would occupy 1/2 of the screen.
> Can this be added to Xubuntu 11.10?
Maybe 'Maximize window horizontally/vertically' actions would do the
job. See Settings > WM > Keyboard for the associated shortcuts (or you
may need to assign them to some key combination). But this might be
worthy of a feature request, too (on bugzilla).


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