[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu Project Lead approved

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Thu Jan 27 22:06:35 UTC 2011

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In a Xubuntu Community Meeting attended by nine people, a vote was
taken to confirm Charlie Kravetz as Xubuntu Project Lead. This was the
culmination of many months of Xubuntu operating with an interim leader.
The vote has confirmed Charlie Kravetz as the Xubuntu Project Lead. 

Thanks to all of the attendees and to the Xubuntu Project. I will do my
best to make this a great distribution.

The full meeting minutes and logs are available[1]. For those
interested, the minutes of the meeting pertaining to the vote for
Project Lead follows:

[13:48:30] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Governance structure

[13:48:50] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] vote for Project Lead

[13:49:22] <charlie-tca> We have a single nomination after trying for
quite a while to make something definite happen with the Xubuntu
Project Lead

[13:49:42] <charlie-tca> The nomination is myself, as approved by the
Community Council.

[13:50:19] <charlie-tca> As previously explained in emails to the
Xubuntu development and users mailing lists, we will vote to confirm
this nomination and finalize the Project Lead.

[13:51:00] <charlie-tca> pleia2: anything to add, as a Community
Council member?

[13:51:57] <charlie-tca> pleia2: also, any objections received?

[13:51:57] <pleia2> nope, just one +1 from vinnl who couldn't make it
to the meeting

[13:52:33] <charlie-tca> Not having a firm method of selecting the
project lead, we are going to allow anyone interested in Xubuntu vote
at this time.

[13:52:57] <charlie-tca> [VOTE] Please vote for Charlie Kravetz as the
Xubuntu Project Lead

[13:52:58] <knome> pleia2, did you notice the mail by steve dodies?

[13:53:03] <knome> s/s/r/

[13:53:12] <pleia2> +1

[13:53:26] <micahg> +1

[13:53:33] <pleia2> knome: yeah, it was sent to the list (not sure how
voting for someone who didn't put their name forward works)

[13:53:46] <pleia2> he didn't send an objection though

[13:53:51] <knome> can i have a PM?

[13:53:57] <pleia2> sure

[13:54:09] <charlie-tca> I did respond to his email, explaining that
mr_pouit turned the position down.

[13:54:19] <pleia2> ok, thanks charlie-tca

[13:54:21] <beardygnome> +1

[13:54:31] <charlie-tca> +0

[13:54:44] <micahg> charlie-tca: very noble ;)

[13:56:56] <charlie-tca> micahg: thought I should do that, just for the
official count.

[13:57:24] <charlie-tca> Are there any other persons wish to vote,
please do so now

[13:57:47] <charlie-tca> going....

[13:57:54] <charlie-tca> going...

[13:57:59] <pleia2> ok, we'll count it as a private -1 (it's not knome)

[13:58:05] <knome> :)

[13:58:08] <pleia2> err, sorry, we got one -1

[13:58:16] * pleia2 typing fail today

[13:58:28] <charlie-tca> that's okay. That makes it Count now 2

NOTE entered after the meeting: corrected vote count, counting vinnl +1
is: so 4 public +1, one public +0, one private +0, one private -1

[13:58:32] * pleia2 nods

[13:58:39] <charlie-tca> [ENDVOTE]

In reference to the email mentioned by knome:

Quoting an email received by charlie:

From: Steve Dodier-Lazaro 
To: cjk AT teamcharliesangels DOT com
Subject: Re: Xubuntu Project Lead Vote
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 07:51:26 +0100

And of course that message wasn't intended for the mailing list... Doh
- -.-'

2011/1/25 Steve Dodier-Lazaro :
> Hello Charlie,
> Just in case I forget about the meeting or in case I can't find the
> time to login, I'd like to vote for Lionel.

Steve was informed by reply email that the only nomination was Charlie
Kravetz, and that Lionel did not want the position. He did not place an


[1]  at

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           [http://keepingdreams.com]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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