[xubuntu-users] Congratulations on 11.04--greybird theme - love it!

Simon Steinbeiß simon.steinbeiss at elfenbeinturm.at
Sat Apr 30 20:46:52 UTC 2011

On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 21:40:01 +0100
James Freer <jessejazza at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I just want to say should any developers be looking!
> I think the Xubuntu greybird theme is their best so far. Installing
> xubuntu this time was a pleasure and hope that this theme will be
> adopted for sometime. I didn't like the blue being used as it was too
> much in following with M$ and other distros.
> yours
> james [UK]

hey james,
being the author of the theme i'd like to thank you for your praise - it's always great to get feedback from users!
having said that, if you stumble upon issues with greybird it would be great if you could report them - it's a relatively mature theme that i've been working on and testing for about 6 months, but i assume there will always be small glitches i'd miss.
all the best

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