[xubuntu-users] I want to install Xubuntu without loosing anything

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Tue Aug 3 09:41:10 UTC 2010

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:16 PM, Terry Talim <melanyor at gmail.com> wrote:

> I currently have xubuntu installed on my computer, but I have seen it
> mentioned that the desktop which follows the Ubuntu software is easier for
> former windows users.
> I am a complete newbie in linux so use small words when explaining
> I want to try the Ubuntu without deleting anything from my computer, like
> it's done with windows. Only, I have a xubuntu running, but I don't want to
> delete that. Just try the Ubuntu.
> Also, if i like the Ubuntu, I want to install that without loosing anything
> of my work on the computer.
> Can anyone help me?

Hi Terry,

I would mostly recommend Charlie's method of burning Ubuntu to a CD, and run
that. That way, you do not need to install anything.

If you can't burn CD's or don't feel like doing that for whatever reason, I
would open Applications->Ubuntu Software Center (or
Applications->Add/Remove... if you're using an older version of Xubuntu) and
install "The Ubuntu desktop system". You can then, from the login screen,
click Sessions and select GNOME to run Ubuntu, and Xfce to get back to
Xubuntu again.


PS. Yorvyk's advice contains a little error so won't work, but the above
method is recommended for you anyway :)
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