[xubuntu-users] I want to install Xubuntu without loosing anything

Terry Talim melanyor at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 20:16:49 UTC 2010

I currently have xubuntu installed on my computer, but I have seen it
mentioned that the desktop which follows the Ubuntu software is easier for
former windows users.

I am a complete newbie in linux so use small words when explaining
I want to try the Ubuntu without deleting anything from my computer, like
it's done with windows. Only, I have a xubuntu running, but I don't want to
delete that. Just try the Ubuntu.

Also, if i like the Ubuntu, I want to install that without loosing anything
of my work on the computer.

Can anyone help me?

Email: melanyy at gmail.com
My jobs:  http://onlinenursinggraduate.com/medical-surgical-nurse/ and
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