[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu Karmic minimall install?

Robert Freeman-Day presgas at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 13:39:46 UTC 2009

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On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, mybonemd wrote:

> Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 03:44:34 -0800 (PST)
> From: mybonemd <kokegulper at yahoo.com>
> Reply-To: Xubuntu Help and User Discussions <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> To: Xubuntu Help and User Discussions <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: [xubuntu-users] Xubuntu Karmic minimall install?
> Hi there everyone.I'm a xubuntu newbie user.
> I've been trying to install a xubuntu karmic minimal install then add essentials apps from there. I'm installing it on a prehistoric vaio laptop (celeron) with 128mb and 10G of HD with a PCMCIA  connected CD drive. I was able to use xubuntu cd as the "update" source since my network card is also connected(configured) via that PCMCIA slot only. When I try to sudo apt-get install xfce from cd rom, it fails or says the file is not there.
> Is there a way to do things better or workaround this?
> Thanks to all.


There is a special ISO called the Minimal CD:

It should allow you to install a commandline-version of *buntu, and then 
you should be able to install the individual components for the rest of 
the minimal xubu you want.  For ease, I would suggest using a wired 
connection and not the wireless (I am not sure if the minimal install 
would even allow wireless in its default state anyway).

Hope that gets you started.

- ---Robert Freeman-Day
- ---------------
I would really like you to be on my side,
but the side you show me isn't what I had in mind.

- -Judybats
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