[xubuntu-users] Noobie questions

Randy Randy at 1800Ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 5 19:19:33 UTC 2009

Thanks to everyone for the replies on this thread.  I appreciate your 
help and advice.

Martin Petersen wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> OpenOffice can use a prelauncher (same as M$ Office does) but it's not 
> automatically added to Your Desktop session. You can activate it in 
> OOo's preferences. It is supposed to speed up the launches (and 
> relaunches) of the editor windows. So it takes an MB of RAM and half a 
> sec of boot time, but if You have the memory I don't see any real 
> disadvantages.
> Dears,
> Martin
> Randy schrieb:
>> HI,
>> I'm new to Xubuntu.  I've been using Ubuntu on and off since 6.06 and I 
>> just recently ditched windows in favor of Ubuntu 9.04.  I rescued a PIII 
>> 650MHz 384MB machine from the trash heap with Xbuntu 9.10 -- thanks 
>> everyone for a great lightweight operating system.)  It's snappy even on 
>> this boat anchor.  I'm considering installing Xubuntu on my main (P4 
>> 2.6GHz 1.25MB) machine - it would really scream there, but I want to 
>> make sure I can do everything I need to do.  So here are a couple of 
>> questions I have:
>> Can anyone recommend a good, lighweight file manager that has network 
>> support?
>> Would simply installing Open Office (not using it, it's bloated and I 
>> know it's slow) slow down the performance of Xubuntu.  If so, does it 
>> run any processes (such as a pre-launcher, etc.) that could be killed 
>> when I am not using it?  I only need OO for one client that I work for 
>> (I'm a freelance technical writer), so I would only be using it about 10 
>> days out of each month.
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
>> Best,
>> Randy Boulter
>> http://1800ubuntu.com

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