[xubuntu-users] My one problem with Xubuntu

Marko Oreskovic markoresko at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 18:53:22 UTC 2009

leegold wrote:
> Hi,
> If there's a website that jams up and freezes the browser in this case
> FF - Then that freezes up Xunbuntu to the point that nothing will
> unfreeze it and a hard reboot is necessary. I've experienced this
> repeatedly, and it's the one major problem I find with Xubuntu. Also if
> an update repository freezes in the middle of something (a similiar
> scenario vs. the web browser) the same thing happens - the whole Xubuntu
> desktop implementation locks and nothing fixes it except for a hard
> reboot w/the hardware on/off button. I find no other Linux distro to my
> liking so far except for Xubuntu - I have tried about twenty so far but
> this behaviour is really nasty.
> Lee G.

Hi Lee.
What site you were on, when lockup occured?
  Try to use Noscript extension to firefox and see if it is due to flash
or javascript content of the site. You can also report broken site to
Firefox (Help>Report broken web site).

You can always use Ctrl+Alt+Esc to kill display of application that
misbihave and use ps -A | grep application or System monitor to identify
it and kill it.
If X system is freezed, you can kill it and restart it with
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. If X freezes, that could be due to graphic driver.
Whar graphics/card you use?
You can also use Ctrl+Alt+F1, 2, 3 to log in in system console. X itself
is on F7.

Check if your CPU is overheating and also use memtest86 to check your
RAM memory during several hours to make shure.

Also, I also concur that doing system upgrade or package install,
system is much less responsive dut to larger disk usage etc. Wait a bit.

What Xubuntu (32/64bit) you use and what version (6.06, 7.10,8.04LTS
,8.10? ) It is good to upgrade from 6.06 an 7.10 to 8.04LTS, anyway.

When all is summed, i think that problem could be due to some kind of
hardware mailfunction or something.

Per instance, I got some lockups on my hardware due to one of USB
devices sharing 2 near USB ports with mouse.
Anyway, you can always try ti start system from Desktop CD and see
if error/lockup occurs again. If does, check your hardware and/or report
a bug on Launchpad.net. :)

I am glad you choosed Xubuntu, I use it on all of my machines.
(32 and 64bit) ;)

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