[xubuntu-users] .rm files (Real Media, I assume)

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Wed Aug 5 18:32:39 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Mischa Falkenburg <
because_productions at myfairpoint.net> wrote:

>  Vincent wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Mischa Falkenburg <
> because_productions at myfairpoint.net> wrote:
>>  Vincent wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Mischa Falkenburg <
>> because_productions at myfairpoint.net> wrote:
>>> Vincent wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Mischa Falkenburg
>>> > <because_productions at myfairpoint.net
>>>  > <mailto:because_productions at myfairpoint.net>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >     Steve Dodier wrote:
>>> >     > RM files are video files, as far as I know. I mentionned Exaile
>>> and
>>> >     > such as alternatives to Amarok (which is designed for KDE
>>> (including
>>> >     > Kubuntu) and not for XFCE (including Xubuntu)).
>>> >     >
>>> >     > To read video files, you indeed need a video player. TOtem, VLC
>>> and
>>> >     > MPlayer are the most famous ones, but if there is a file VLC
>>> can't
>>> >     > play, then the two others won't either. And RM files can only be
>>> >     read
>>> >     > with RealPlayer.
>>> >     >
>>> >     > You can get RealPlayer 10 from the medibuntu repository
>>> >     > (http://www.medibuntu.org/) or RealPlayer 11 for Linux here :
>>> >     > http://europe.real.com/realplayer/other-versions/ .
>>> >     >
>>> >     > Note that in both cases, we will not be able to provide you
>>> support
>>> >     > for it, as it is an external repository that is not checked by
>>> the
>>> >     > community, for applications that are not Free.
>>> >     Well, I guess I'm sunk then. Tried doing the Real Player thing,
>>> >     and that
>>> >     too led no where. No luck with VLC, either. So, the best I can
>>> >     hope for
>>> >     is to install KDE on a box and "try again"?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > No, IIRC AmaroK, too, can't play .rm files (and if it can, you can
>>> > still install it within Xubuntu, it just doesn't integrate as well).
>>> > How did the Real Player thing not work? Did you not get it installed,
>>> > did it not play the file?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >     M.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Vincent
>>>  (I haven't been trying to be rude...I've just been away)
>>> Well, "it" didn't work out mostly because I really didn't know what I
>>> was doing. As far as RealPlayer 10, I had the feeling that "perhaps" it
>>> might not be the way to proceed with this box. It's an "older" (believe
>>> me, I have OLDER ones than this ;-) ) Compaq, so I assumed that I should
>>> go the i386 route...just, if for no other reason, than to avoid any
>>> "nasty" messages about how 10 wouldn't work etc.
>>> So, the i386 version that I thought I would try was RP8. If this was
>>> "foolish thinking" on my part, then fine...I can live with that reality.
>>> Downloading left an archive box on my desktop...and from that point I
>>> lost heart. There wasn't anything showing in the contents that made any
>>> sense to me as far as trying to install RP. In some ways (maybe many
>>> ways) I'm still the MSoft "victim"...where my thoughts aren't yet
>>> automatically linux-oriented.
>>> So, the box has been deleted, and I think I'm ready to proceed from here
>>> with any suggestion that anyone might care to make.
>>> If you need to know specific information regarding this box, please also
>>> be specific about "how" I can provide you with same.
>> OK, well, you need an Ubuntu installer (ends in .deb), you can downloda
>> the i386 Ubuntu installer of RP 10 here, assuming you're using Xubuntu 9.04:
>> http://packages.medibuntu.org/jaunty/realplayer.html (click the i386 on
>> the bottom of the screen)
>> If you also want automatic updates for that, follow the instructions on
>> this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
>> And if you have further questions, mail this list :)
>>> Thanks-in-advance.
>>> Mischa
>>  --
>> Vincent
>>  According to the Xubuntu Desktop Guide, I'm running 8.04. Does this make
>> a difference? If it does, how do I go-about upgrading to 9.04?
> It does make a difference, but nothing you need to upgrade for; it's just
> that for different versions of Xubuntu, different installers are needed.
> Unfortunately, Xubuntu 8.10 also claimed it was 8.04 in the Desktop Guide,
> if I remember correctly. You can check which version you have by opening
> Applications->System->System Monitor, under the System tab. Though it might
> be that this application was not available in your version of Xubuntu, if
> so, open Applications->Accessories->Terminal Window, then type "lsb_release
> -a" and press Enter. It should display your version.
> Then you can download the .deb installer from the following location:
>  * If your version is 8.04:
> http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/realplayer.html
>  * If your version if 8.10:
> http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/realplayer.html
> Hope that helps a bit.
>> M.
> --
> Vincent
> OK. It revealed itself as 8.04.3, so I've downloaded the 8.04 .deb file
> which now sits on the Desktop. Jumping the gun, I right-clicked on the file
> and was given the choice of using GDebi Package Installer. That gave me the
> message of: "could not open, etc."...check permissions.
> What next?

Hmm, that is odd, just double-clicking it (which should open GDebi Package
Installer) should work. Does it say the "check permissions" thing upon
opening it, or does the GDebi window appear and does the error occur when
you press Install? Can you open a terminal window again and then execute:

gdebi ~/Desktop/realplayer_11.0.0-0.2medibuntu0.8.04.1_i386.deb

That should do the same as double-clicking it. If that doesn't work, could
you mail the output in the terminal window?

Then, you can try your hand at installing it from the command line to see if
that works. To do so, run the following in a terminal window:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/realplayer_11.0.0-0.2medibuntu0.8.04.1_i386.deb

Enter your password, then press enter, and tell us if it works.

> M.

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