[xubuntu-users] Changing from Ubuntu installation to Xubuntu.

Ryan Pugatch rpug at gmx.com
Wed Sep 3 22:56:46 UTC 2008

On Wed, 3 Sep 2008 16:46:02 -0600
Charlie Kravetz <cjk at teamcharliesangels.com> wrote:

> > To cut a long story short, I have a built-in soundcard and a PCI
> > card. When I use Gnome (Pulseaudio, I believe), my music/ movies/
> > sound never come out of the same device.  I find this
> > unpredictability annoying and unacceptable.
> > 

Hi Charlie.  Just a thought.. have you considered disabling the onboard
audio device in the CMOS setup?  This is assuming you don't actually
use the onboard device.

Also, I have found most of my multimedia apps tend to let me choice
which device to use.  Usually it's under the advanced configuration.  I
know this is the case in Audacious, for example.  I have noticed that
the Xfce Sound panel under Settings Manager lists a 'default' sound
device.  I assume you can denote one as 'default'.  I only have one
audio device, so I'm not sure how that functionality works.

Hope some of these thoughts may help you.


Ryan Pugatch
rpug AT gmx.com

BOFH excuse #348:
We're on Token Ring, and it looks like the token got loose.

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