[xubuntu-users] Networking lost on upgrade

Gary Crosby grcrosby at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 17:27:10 UTC 2008

2008/11/25  <xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>:
Well my apologies to the group. It was not xubuntu which caused the
loss of networking. The box needed to be cleaned out. A lot of dust
was in there, so I pulled the case and sprayed it out, reinstalled all
the cards, and it all works.

Thank you to Vincent for the suggestions, and once again my apology to
all. Sometimes the best solution is the simplest.

> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:26 PM, Gary Crosby <grcrosby at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Vincent, thanks for the input. The Network Manager is showing on the
>> toolbar showing the overlapped monitors with a large red & white x in
>> the middle of it.Tried your suggestion but nothing going, still have
>> the same icons in the task bar. Clicking on the icon shows that the
>> wired link is greyed out & not available for editting. Going into the
>> system>network tools and checking eth0 reveals that it is not even
>> registering.
>> As for wicd I have never used it, but to install it now would require
>> downloading the tar files then a make and bake session. Which I am not
>> totally opposed to, but what happened inside Xubuntu that the
>> previously stable network connection should simply die off on the
>> upgrade?
> I have no idea, but do take note that you can just install wicd using the
> instructions for Ubuntu at http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php
> (Or you can download the .deb package and install that directly from
> http://apt.wicd.net/dists/intrepid/all/)
> --
> Vincent
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