[xubuntu-users] Fixing GRUB After A Windows Installation andFixing The GRUB Menu

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 21:38:37 UTC 2008

On 23/01/2008, David Mooney <moondoggy369 at mchsi.com> wrote:
>  No problem Vincent.  Good idea too!  Since it's a problem that is
> commonly encountered with nooB's and experienced Ubuntu/Xubuntu users alike,
> it would be nice to let everyone know.  Thank you!

OK, I've added it, now it only needs the blog owner's approval - I hope it
won't take too long. I also wanted to add it to xubuntuguide.org, to which I
had direct writing rights, but it seems to be down atm. I'll contact the
maintainer of that site and if it get online again I'll also add it there.

-David :D

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