[xubuntu-users] Introduce myself

Attila Siposs sipiatti at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 07:44:31 UTC 2008

Hi Xubuntu List,

I am *ubuntu user for years until 2 days ago I preferred kubuntu, but
saw the changes of KDE and the upcoming KDE4 I decided to go back to
my favorite destop, XFCE.
It was evident to go onto Xubuntu :) so I am here and also would like
to take efforts to make this distro more better (anyway without any
useful programming or packaging experince :) but with intention)

For the first I have question:
- What is the reason to use gnome-screensaver package instead of xscreensaver?
SIPIATTI alias RifleRat
"Linux is like a wigwam: no windows, no gates, but apache inside..." (from HUP)
skype: sipiatti  MSN: riflerat at gmail.com (chat only by gaim)

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