[xubuntu-users] remove items in "Other" from menu put there by Wine

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Fri Dec 5 15:24:05 UTC 2008

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:06 AM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hi Lee
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:49 PM, leegold <leegold at fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> Using wine and 8.10.
>> Wine puts some win32 applications in the "Other" list in the
>> Applications menu and I can't seem to remove them.
>> I've been looking in my home config files too. Anyone know how to remove
>> items from the Menu like this?
> Unfortunately, the xfce 4.4.x menu editor is known to not be very useful.
> One approach would be to modify the .desktop file for the application(s)
> that you want removed from the menu.  This [1] forum post does a pretty
> decent job of explaining what you can do.  Please note that I'd recommend
> modifying the .desktop file, and not removing it.
> Xubuntu will have a functioning menu editor with the upcoming release,
> Xubuntu 9.04.  (This is because Xubuntu will include Xfce 4.6  for that
> release).

I thought there wasn't a menu editor for 4.6 yet (but that Brian *might*
work on that... For 4.8?).

What I do is, in a terminal, " sudo mousepad
/usr/share/applications/wine-notepad.desktop" (for Notepad), then add
"Wine;" to the Categories field.

> Until then, I hope this helps.
> Jim
> [1] http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=2658.0

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