[xubuntu-users] powerpoint how te view?

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Sat Aug 2 20:11:18 UTC 2008

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Robert Jansen <rlj.jansen at gmail.com> wrote:

> goodday all ! how can i view powerpoint files in xubuntu hardy  ? one
> option is using openoffice.org but i don't need all the programs in it
> because i use abiword and gnumeric ans sometimes google docs. i
> checked the packet  manager but cant find nothing.

Unfortunately, as far as I know OpenOffice is the only good slideshow
application available for Xubuntu (perhaps Koffice has one too, but the same
and more objections as with OO apply). You could try using Zoho Show (
http://show.zoho.com/) which isn't as crappy as Google's slideshow webapp,
but it doesn't match OO.

> regards Robert


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