[xubuntu-users] Modemlights - Seeing What Your Modem Does...

Richard Jenkins rjenkins at alphalink.com.au
Tue Mar 6 04:33:07 UTC 2007

I love Xubuntu 6.06 ... on my old celeron laptop (366MHz cpu and only 96 Meg 
of RAM) ... and most of the time my three network interfaces can be made to 
work reliably.  However, after setting up my modem for dialup ... and 
activating the connection ... I face a waiting period of maybe 90 sec ... 
before I have a connection and my browser can begin to load a homepage. 
 There is nothing to tell me that the connection has been successful ... 
until I get to use it. 

No worries!  I'll download something called 'modemlights'.  This was a 
small download ... done over the ADSL connection at home.  Now ... how do I 
make it happen?? 

I recognise its a Gnome applet ... but I don't seem able to make it work 
under XFce!!  Any ideas?? 

I don't want to drop my excellent network manager ... because it is so 
helpful deciding between my connection methods - dialup, adsl and wireless. 

Please can I have some help? 


PS ... I found that my machine was not reliable under Edgy... IS Feisty
proving better for older hardware?? 

Irena and Richard Jenkins
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

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