[xubuntu-users] FTP program for Xu?

Skip Evans skip at bigskypenguin.com
Sat Jan 27 16:07:30 UTC 2007

Hey Radomir & all,

I tried to do:

apt-get install gftp

...like I would do on our Debian/Fluxbox machines, 
but it did not find the package.

Are there additional entries I should put in my 
sources.list file to gain access to more packages?


Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
> Dnia Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 08:58:13AM -0700, napisale(a)s: 
>> Hey all,
>> Just installed Xu and love it. But I see it does not 
>> install with an FTP program. I have Konqueror and 
>> could use that, but am wondering what other FTP 
>> programs people are using and would recommend for Xu.
> I know that lftp is very nice, ncftp is pretty good too.
> But if you *really* need a GUI application, then I only know
> gftp and filezilla...

Skip Evans
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