[xubuntu-users] Xu vs. 486DX2

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 20:29:05 UTC 2007

Install via floppy disk??  :)  That might be a possibility with Damn Small
Linux.  ??  I really don't know.

I just remember a friend telling me that his first Linux install experience
in college involved getting something like 50 (I'm guessing at the number .
. . ) floppies from the school's IT department and using them to install
Slackware . . .  :-)


On 2/21/07, João Santiago <exalowprofile at gmail.com> wrote:
> what about a Toshiba T2130CS with just 32mb of ram and no cd-rom drive or
> network connection. I was thinking of installing *something* by the same
> process as i mentioned earlier: take off the HD, connect to my pc and
> install and then put it back in place.
> --
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jwcampbell at gmail.com
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